So far, the League has generously given almost $3,000 in monetary and in-kind donations to seven 100% volunteer-run dog and cat rescues as nominated by League members!
Our contribution to Villa Park High School Grad Night:
Thanksgiving Drive: 550 meals packed and distributed with VPWL’s participation!
Together with the VPHS Interact Club we packed 50 bags to benefit local breast cancer patients—our first Giving Campaign of the 2024-2025 year!
2023-2024 Philanthropy
VPWL is sponsoring giving tree boxes to support both Santiago Canyon College Hawks Nest Basic Needs Center and Skyview Elementary and Middle School. Giving Tree boxes will be located at The Flowery and Villa Park Pharmacy. This year we request gift cards of any amount from Walmart or Target, with the amount written on the back. Skyview serves the need of underprivileged students and Hawks Nest provides groceries and hygiene products to homeless college students. Donations are accepted until December 20th.
2022-23 Philanthropy
Giving Tree Boxes
Santiago Canyon College Hygiene Drive
The Villa Park Women's League partnership with Santiago Canyon College to provide much-needed hygieneproducts (body wash, shampoo, conditioner, shaving supplies, feminine hygiene products, lotions, etc.) for students in need, will continue.
A collection container is in the lobby of Villa Park City Hall for any items you may have. So please leave them there or call or text Pam Dunn at 714-501-0639 and I'll pick up your items.
These are for some of the students at SCC who are working towards a degree and finding themselves financially challenged and in need of basic hygiene items. Please donate unopened products both full-size and mini travel-size bottles.
2021-22 Philanthropy
2020-21 Philanthropy
Fantastic Dine&Tip at Moreno’s in Orange! October 29, 2020.
2019-20 Philanthropy
High School Graduates from VPWL Members’ families were mailed Congratulatory cards with a little surprise from the League in recognition of their “unusual” commencement this year. A heartfelt Congratulations to ALL of our Graduates, but especially those who have very special Moms and Grams!
2018-19 Philanthropy
The Villa Park Women’s League since its inception has played many roles. One of which is the commitment to giving back to our community. As part of this philanthropic effort, the League allocates monies to our four Villa Park schools, local library, Villa Park Foundation, city beautification as well as student scholarships. These “gifts” of philanthropy are a very important tradition/heritage of the Villa Park Women’s League.
After much deliberation regarding allocation of the 2018-19 philanthropy funds, the Executive and Advisory Board unanimously voted to honor the 2017 Member Survey results. City Beautification and our VP Schools ranked #1 and #2 of programs the League should sponsor.
Therefore, additional support will be given to Beautification, and the remaining funds will be granted equally to our four Villa Park schools!
Women Helping Women
The Giving Tree 2018
The holidays were shining bright once again as the Villa Park Women’s League delivered an overflowing sleigh of toys and gift cards to the children of The Friendly Center and Orange Children and Parents Together organizations! The annual toy drive was a huge success with abundant participation as many league members joined in the spirit of giving this holiday season. With much joy and excitement, two car loads of toys and gift cards were delivered the first week in December just in time for holiday celebrations! Thank you to all who gave so generously to make the holidays special for these precious children in our community. And a special thank you to the VP Pharmacy and The Flowery for their contributions and support. Happy New Year to all!